I embarked on a deeply personal journey with my series of paintings. This series was originally titled "Game Over Toxic White Man”. At the time, I found myself wrestling with a wave of anger and frustration. Directed towards what I perceived as the cause of societal injustices: The Toxic White Man. In my eyes, this figure represented the embodiment of unchecked privilege and power. He symbolized everything I would disagree with. I would blame all the shit in the world on him: from systemic discrimination to the relentless pursuit of profit at the expense of humanity and our planet.
However, as time passed and I gained insight through experience and reflection, I began to recognize the complexities inherent within our capitalist society, and how each of us, me included, is entwined within its intricate web of power dynamics and systemic flaws.
While the Toxic White Man may still evoke feelings of anger and frustration within me, I've come to understand that placing the blame solely upon him is too simple. Instead, I've come to acknowledge my own complicity within the system – a realization that made me think about the title. So that is why I called it "Game Over.” We all need to look in the mirror. How long can we keep playing this destructive game before we destroy ourselves?
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